BOSS UKC GRCH Morgandell Wyndolyn Elysium


Belle is an incredibly beautiful and sweet tempered girl. She is so happy and outgoing, she will easily fool you into thinking she is a golden retriever in disguise. This beauty is co-owned with Sue Mohler of Wyndolyn silkens and Braxton Hernandez of Jaada Hounds. We are so grateful to be able to add this beautiful girl to our breeding program. She won best opposite sex at the Texas Tapestry in November 2022 an Award of Merit at Silkenfest 2023 and recently 2 awards of merit at Boofest western regional specialty in 2023.

OFA Eyes - Clear

Thyroid - Clear

Basic cardiac - clear

Embark tested

MDR1 Clear

CEA Clear

ISWS CH, UKC CH Clayborn’s Paradise Wydah “Samari”

Samari is co-owned with Christine Cooper of Obsidian Silkens, where she lives. Samari won WB at Silkenfest, the silken windhound national specialty in 2023.

OFA Eyes - Clear

Thyroid - Normal

Advanced cardiac - Normal

Embark tested

MDR1 Clear

CEA Clear

AKC CH Jaada’s Let Em Talk at Sunera “Jolie”

Jolie is a beautiful black masked red Afghan hound from Jaada’s hounds that we have added to our pack. Jolie won BOB beating out multiple specials in Portland Oregon. She finished her AKC championship in 2023. Jolie will be one of our foundation bitches for a line of Afghans at Sunera!

OFA eyes - clear

Sunera’s Midsummer Night Dream “Ellie”

Ellie is our keeper puppy from the Solo x Willa Litter 2022. Ellie lives with, and is is co-owned with Obsidian Silken Windhounds.


Kristull Vanishing Point “Vanish”

Vanish belongs to Francie Stull of Kristull Kennel, but she has been staying with me to finish her championship. We hope to do a litter with her in 2024.


OFA Advanced Cardiac CLEAR

Thyroid Normal

Embark Pending

Attaway’s Margaritavilla at Sunera “Envy”

Envy is a beautiful little girl out of Melissa Pearce’s breeding that was sent to us as a replacement for Ember. She has started her show career, is a very sweet and beautiful little dog. We have high hopes for this one!

Embark tested

OFA Eyes - pending

OFA Advanced Cardiac - Pending

OFA thyroid - Pending

Hayat Merchant of Bones “Harlow”

Harlow is our beautiful Saluki girl from Lauren Westover of Hayat Saluki. She is starting her show career this year in the AKC, so keep an eye out for her!

Mistrato Hakuna Matata “Kimba”

Kimba is our newest addition to the pack. She is a beautiful Afghan hound we imported from Poland! Look for her at AKC venues!